Correct. He is a tireless worker on and off the court and is absolutely thrilled to be here. He is a a positive influence on our kids and unless something happens, he will be our head coach in 5 years!
I love hearing that on several levels.
First, while there does seem to be a contingent on the board that is opposed to hiring former Herd greats. I’m not one of those people, I think hiring former Herd players is preferable, all other factors being equal. I loved Corny as a player and am over joyed to see back on the Marshall sideline.
Second, the only way such a plan is going to work is if things are succeeding. If DD’s coaching is succeeding and he wants to go, it’s a sign of success that he would be able to name his successor. If Herd BB hasn’t grown and gotten better, we will be looking for a different way to go. At this point I’m very happy with where things are and where we seem to be going.