Author Topic: wvu Spending Money  (Read 203 times)

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wvu Spending Money
« on: December 24, 2023, 08:51:31 AM »
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  • Interesting article. I wonder if wvu ownes the "charter jet"?

    West Virginia University paid more than $230,000 for employee Jeff Coben to fly on a private plane to Charleston and work for the governor?s administration. University leaders, grappling with a budget shortfall, said the pay out was justified as they?re fulfilling a ?land grant mission? to serve the state.

    Earlier this year, Coben, who is a doctor, served as interim secretary for the West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources.

    Public flight records obtained using the Freedom of Information of Act detailed how Coben regularly used WVU?s chartered jet for reasons that included meeting with Governor Jim Justice, state health department leaders and lawmakers. Additional thousands of dollars were spent on flights where Coben joined others during his government work.

    wvu Spending Money
    « on: December 24, 2023, 08:51:31 AM »