Author Topic: Worst Fans!  (Read 9345 times)

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Offline HerdNBluefield79

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« Reply #75 on: September 04, 2006, 10:44:32 PM »
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  • Quote from: "WVRon"
    WVRon says how fans are treated in Motown is none of his business

    This is no slam but I think maybe Herd fans need to be realistic about their program. They will never have the facilities, fan support or athletic budget WVU does. They will always be 2nd fiddle to WVU in the state.

    Never? too funny.

    We would never have a med school...
    We would never have a biotech program...
    We would never make it in division I-A  - 8th/10th ranked in 1999...
    We would never have more than 10,000 in enrollment...
    We will never have a law school - see what happens in 5 years...
    The pompous attitude of your guys up north drives an already driven university/community that has faced much greater adversity.

    Your "never" will be the word you'll choke on in 20 years.

    Admittedly, we're not on equal footing now, but you're pompous @r$e "never" is aimed at a program that has been in Division I-A for less the 10 years.

    Facilities will come around - already a weightroom and ~$100 million in construction is in the wings...

    F##k your "never" and good riddance.
    In the middle of Huntington, West Virginia, there is a river. Next to this river, there is a steel mill. And next to the steel mill, there's a school. In the middle of this school, there's a fountain. Each year, on the exact same day, the exact same hour, the water to this fountain is turned off. And in this moment, once every year, throughout the town, throughout the school, time stands still.

    Worst Fans!
    « Reply #75 on: September 04, 2006, 10:44:32 PM »

    Offline McGuyver

    Worst Fans!
    « Reply #76 on: September 04, 2006, 10:48:13 PM »
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  • Quote from: "WVRon"
    WVRon says how fans are treated in Motown is none of his business

    Nice twist on words. I NEVER said it wasn't my business.I said it wasn't my job to "police the blue lot". I pay alot of money to park there and just because I don't want to take time away from my friends and family to be lot monitor I am a bad person? Give me a freakin break dude!

    As for next year, I doubt it's that bad because there will be as many WVU fans as Herd fans. I certainly won't go looking for trouble but I won't run from it either. I have a feeling that by late 3rd quarter it'll be mostly WVU fans in the stands anyways.

    This is no slam but I think maybe Herd fans need to be realistic about their program. They will never have the facilities, fan support or athletic budget WVU does. They will always be 2nd fiddle to WVU in the state.I, like many WVU fans I know, would like to cheer for Marshall. The hatred and animosity coming from you guys makes that impossible.

    Thanks for the forum and I've enjoyed chatting about our game. Good luck the rest of the season. I look forward to next season and am very anxious to see first hand just how hospitible Herd fans are.

    That's not very original. That's the same attitude your University has shown MU since 1867. We are used to it. We've progressed very well since then in spite of it. We will continue to do so.

    It's a seven year series. A day will come were you will have to eat crow my friend. I will be there when it happens.
    As for next year in H-Town, I'm sure you will find something to complain about no matter what.
    Have a great season.
    "It's tough for people to understand...but we play with twelve men."
    "And our twelfth man is those 75 people....something has given us the edge.
    You can't buy it or create it any other way."

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    Offline MUinDE

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    « Reply #77 on: September 04, 2006, 11:05:53 PM »
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  • WVRon, I thought you said, "I'm done with this topic. I've got better things to discuss and think about ...."  I guess you keep to your words about as well as most uspam fans treat opposing fans ... NOT VERY WELL!

    I didn't go to this year's game, but I went in '97.  I heard a lot of crap, but didn't have many people get in my face.  But then again, I'm not the smallest guy and my size usually deters that sort of stuff.  What I did notice was the profanity and trash talking was pervasive and it came from all ages.  The old farts tried to be humorous with it and the kids were just smart@sses.  My overall opinion is that uspam's reputation is well-deserved.  VaTech, Maryland, Pitt, etc., they all say the same thing as the posters on this board have said.  I've been to quite a few college venues, both as a player and fan, and I've never experienced the profanity and classless trash talking that I have at morganhole.  

    I've never liked that school up north or it's teams, even as a kid growing up in WV, so it should come as no surprise that I hope they win their conference (not much chance that they won't considering the joke it is now that all the real teams bolted) and get utterly embarrassed in a BCS bowl game.

    Offline chezdog30

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    « Reply #78 on: September 04, 2006, 11:07:39 PM »
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  • Well, I had a beer bottle thrown at me, a full can of beer thrown at me, the f bomb thrown at me a 100 times, I had a group of punks get in my face and curse me and my father in law, a drunk hot chick curse me out,  hit in the back with ice, and you know what.......screw em all. I wore my Bradshaw jersey with pride and kept on rooting for my herd, I expected it and got what I expected. Low life classless bet is 25% had at least 3 teeth missing, usually in the front. Next year, I will pat them on the back, offer them a drink, with ice, toss football with them if they want, invite them to church, and laugh at them when they leave the stadium crying. Lets not stoop to their level with our fans, we have our reputation in good hands as it is.

    Offline Herdaholic

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    « Reply #79 on: September 05, 2006, 12:08:07 AM »
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  • Marshall need not feel alone. As I posted earlier, the last game that I attended in Morgantown to see Ohio State play WVU, I got the same treatment for wearing a Buckeye tee shirt. I have also been to see WVU play Penn. State and Pitt before. It is always the same.

    WVU fans hate every team's fans that they play. They go out of their way to show themselves as the redneck idiots that they are. I hope they do go to a national championship game and take their attitudes with them. They need to be exposed across the country.

    I am the proud parent of a Marshall grad and have also been to many Marshall games. We all know that Herd fans are not like WVU fans in any way, shape or form. Keep your head high and follow the Herd through the rest of the season. And when WVU comes to Huntington next year, don't stoop down to the level of their fans. Be loud and proud but be polite in the process as Herd fans always are.

    I would rather be known as gracious losers than rude, obnoxious and profane winners. The picture that WVU fans are painting of themselves is very ugly for the school as well as the state of West Virginia. Their madness will come to a screeching halt one of these days, hopefully in the near future.


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    « Reply #80 on: September 05, 2006, 04:21:55 AM »
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  • According to WVRon:
    This is no slam but I think maybe Herd fans need to be realistic about their program. They will never have the facilities, fan support or athletic budget WVU does. They will always be 2nd fiddle to WVU in the state.I, like many WVU fans I know, would like to cheer for Marshall. The hatred and animosity coming from you guys makes that impossible.

    This is just another sampling of the arrogance, contempt and disdain that is all-pervasive among WVU fans. And, hard as it may be to believe, Ron is one of the more reasonable WVU fans.

    It isn't hatred or animosity coming from Marshall fans that is your problem, Ron. Rather, it is the simple fact that WVU fans are finally beginning to understand that WVU is no longer the only major university in the state. There wasn't a problem when Marshall had an enrollment of 5,000 students and was competing against Glenville State for state dollars.

    But, Marshall is now enjoying explosive growth, and is rapidly catching up with WVU in everything. Rather than celebrating Marshall's emergence as a second major university in the state, WVU fans feel threatened. You would think that emergence is something the former Agricultural College of West Virginia (renamed "WVU") should understand. So, what do you think of the idea of a law school at Marshall, Ron?

    But, Marshall fans are not alone. I have seen far too many citations of WVU fans being equally uncivilized, hostile, inhospitable and abusive to fans of other schools. The once classy WVU fans are now widely-regarded to be among the worst fans in America. For that, as an admitted WVU fan myself, I am genuinely embarrassed and dismayed.

    Offline Blade

    Worst Fans!
    « Reply #81 on: September 05, 2006, 07:07:22 AM »
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  • The Huntington Police needs to be prepared next year to set an example.  Let their fans know that Huntington is not Morgantown and they will be arrested if they bring that behavior to town.  We cannot allow them to change our demeanor.

    And Ron, you finally showed your true colors.  A classless post from a classless fan.  Now it's easy to see why you condone that behavior.

    Offline Thundermonkey

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    « Reply #82 on: September 05, 2006, 09:08:39 AM »
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  • There is not much I can add to this thread, but I will say this:

    *I can tell of similar experiences I had with WVU fans.
    *They are not fans--they are barbarians.
    *Thank God for the WVU fans over the age of 30 (most of them)
    *I will not ever go to that stadium again.
    *We need to be good hosts in 2007.
    *Marshall---They are still my boys.
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    Offline wvufanmarshallgrad

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    I wouldnt expect anything less from you crybabies
    « Reply #83 on: September 05, 2006, 01:07:53 PM »
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  • Im sure I will get booted for this, but oh well.  I was planning on coming on the board to tell you all good game and all that jazz, but this post shot that in the foot.


    You guys are absolutely classless in your own rights.  For years you said how WVU was chickens and they were aholes and this and that, what did you think was gonna happen at the game....tea and cookies?  Where are all the police reports?  I hope all your young children and elderly dont have events later in life that cause them trouble, due to all the trauma you all faced at the game.  Get real losers.

    Offline luvherd

    Worst Fans!
    « Reply #84 on: September 05, 2006, 01:23:38 PM »
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  • wvufanmugrad - just put a green shiert on next time and you can relate. u guys won the game handily and there is no doubt u have the best team this year BUT look around.  why r non-conference teams refusing to come back - VT is a short drive, they got out. Penn State - short drive, they got out. I predict the Terps will be next - so enjoy you winning records because only mid-majors will venture into that joint.
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    Offline wvufanmarshallgrad

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    « Reply #85 on: September 05, 2006, 01:34:52 PM »
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  • I didnt say it didnt happen....what I said was what did you think would happen?  You guys called WVU chickens and every cuss word in the book for 9 years.  Did you think their fans were gonna take you in with open arms?  Not to mention my wife is a MU grad 2002, she wore green the entire time from 7am till we got home, she got it the whole game.  Yes cussed at and booed.  However, never did she feel threatened or scared for her life.  

    I do not agree with it, not saying it didnt happen, I do know you guys do it too.  I just think it is weak when you guys talk about fan behavior when you have a team of thugs, you made a decent effort (I mean that entirely) but your hatred for WVU makes you guys seem less validated.  Where are the police reports?  

    Down in Georgia last year, we were called names the whole time, people barking in your faces and junk like that.  Yeah it kinda sucked, but it is people being people.  I would rather focus on the game and cheer for my team then worry about someone else....maybe it is just me, but if someone is being a jerk, why let that bother me

    Offline wvufanmarshallgrad

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    « Reply #86 on: September 05, 2006, 01:42:11 PM »
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  • Quote from: "luvherd"
    wvufanmugrad - just put a green shiert on next time and you can relate. u guys won the game handily and there is no doubt u have the best team this year BUT look around.  why r non-conference teams refusing to come back - VT is a short drive, they got out. Penn State - short drive, they got out. I predict the Terps will be next - so enjoy you winning records because only mid-majors will venture into that joint.

    Lol me it is not because of the fan behavior.  You know they have a police staion in their stadium right?  They may be nice to you MU fans, because there is no rivalry, but believe me they do not like WVU, and wVU does not like them.  as far as your predictions....maybe after 2012, because we have more bcs schools coming in every year.  The truth be told you can go to any Message board where a rivalry is gonna be played, and you will see this.  Not saying it is right at all, it is childish in my book, but it does happen.  

    Youll never hear me say WVU fans are hospitalble and welcoming fans, you will hear me say they are very passionate about there team.  To the best of my one has died while attending a WVU game....

    Worst Fans!
    « Reply #86 on: September 05, 2006, 01:42:11 PM »

    Offline luvherd

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    « Reply #87 on: September 05, 2006, 01:52:56 PM »
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  • Interesting bar you r setting. Never thought about it but I hope no one dies either.
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    Offline chezdog30

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    « Reply #88 on: September 05, 2006, 01:54:49 PM »
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  • Quote from: "wvufanmarshallgrad"
    Quote from: "luvherd"
    wvufanmugrad - just put a green shiert on next time and you can relate. u guys won the game handily and there is no doubt u have the best team this year BUT look around.  why r non-conference teams refusing to come back - VT is a short drive, they got out. Penn State - short drive, they got out. I predict the Terps will be next - so enjoy you winning records because only mid-majors will venture into that joint.

    Lol me it is not because of the fan behavior.  You know they have a police staion in their stadium right?  They may be nice to you MU fans, because there is no rivalry, but believe me they do not like WVU, and wVU does not like them.  as far as your predictions....maybe after 2012, because we have more bcs schools coming in every year.  The truth be told you can go to any Message board where a rivalry is gonna be played, and you will see this.  Not saying it is right at all, it is childish in my book, but it does happen.  

    Youll never hear me say WVU fans are hospitalble and welcoming fans, you will hear me say they are very passionate about there team.  To the best of my one has died while attending a WVU game....

    yet, getting hit by a beer bottle is definately a threat though....lucky it did not hit me or my buddy in the head

    Offline wvufanmarshallgrad

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    « Reply #89 on: September 05, 2006, 02:06:19 PM »
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  • Quote from: "chezdog30"
    Quote from: "wvufanmarshallgrad"
    Quote from: "luvherd"
    wvufanmugrad - just put a green shiert on next time and you can relate. u guys won the game handily and there is no doubt u have the best team this year BUT look around.  why r non-conference teams refusing to come back - VT is a short drive, they got out. Penn State - short drive, they got out. I predict the Terps will be next - so enjoy you winning records because only mid-majors will venture into that joint.

    Lol me it is not because of the fan behavior.  You know they have a police staion in their stadium right?  They may be nice to you MU fans, because there is no rivalry, but believe me they do not like WVU, and wVU does not like them.  as far as your predictions....maybe after 2012, because we have more bcs schools coming in every year.  The truth be told you can go to any Message board where a rivalry is gonna be played, and you will see this.  Not saying it is right at all, it is childish in my book, but it does happen.  

    Youll never hear me say WVU fans are hospitalble and welcoming fans, you will hear me say they are very passionate about there team.  To the best of my one has died while attending a WVU game....

    yet, getting hit by a beer bottle is definately a threat though....lucky it did not hit me or my buddy in the head

    Again, did u fill out a police report?   not saying it didnt happen, wish it didnt, but crying on a message board isnt going to stop it, complain to AD or police.

    Offline gtrman4herd

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    « Reply #90 on: September 05, 2006, 02:52:43 PM »
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  • From talking to some that were there, it wasn't that they felt threatened it was the fact that there were many young kids around and it didn't seem to deter the filthy language being thrown out right in front of the kids. How many F--- Marshall's are really necessary?  This was not just from students, but from adults that should know better.  Call that being a wimp if you will, but that is very inappropriate behavior for your fan base to be projecting. If you are ok with it, so be it.
    But your flag decal won't get you into Heaven any more.
    They're already overcrowded from your dirty little war.
    Now Jesus don't like killin' no matter what the reason's for,
    And your flag decal won't get you into Heaven any more.
    *John Prine*


    Offline chezdog30

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    « Reply #91 on: September 05, 2006, 03:30:22 PM »
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  • Quote from: "wvufanmarshallgrad"
    Quote from: "chezdog30"
    Quote from: "wvufanmarshallgrad"
    Quote from: "luvherd"
    wvufanmugrad - just put a green shiert on next time and you can relate. u guys won the game handily and there is no doubt u have the best team this year BUT look around.  why r non-conference teams refusing to come back - VT is a short drive, they got out. Penn State - short drive, they got out. I predict the Terps will be next - so enjoy you winning records because only mid-majors will venture into that joint.

    Lol me it is not because of the fan behavior.  You know they have a police staion in their stadium right?  They may be nice to you MU fans, because there is no rivalry, but believe me they do not like WVU, and wVU does not like them.  as far as your predictions....maybe after 2012, because we have more bcs schools coming in every year.  The truth be told you can go to any Message board where a rivalry is gonna be played, and you will see this.  Not saying it is right at all, it is childish in my book, but it does happen.  

    Youll never hear me say WVU fans are hospitalble and welcoming fans, you will hear me say they are very passionate about there team.  To the best of my one has died while attending a WVU game....

    yet, getting hit by a beer bottle is definately a threat though....lucky it did not hit me or my buddy in the head

    Again, did u fill out a police report?   not saying it didnt happen, wish it didnt, but crying on a message board isnt going to stop it, complain to AD or police.

    Police Report? Your out of your mind.....I commented on how I saw at least 100 State Trooper vehicles on my way to the hole amd I only saw 1 trooper outside of the stadium the whole time I was there and he was controlling a traffic light. I had to duck when I turned around to see who threw the bottle in fear of getting one in the mouth. Police Report, heck its the standard for you jerk offs. And by the way, Im not crying, I expected trash and thats what I got. The police there was a free ticket to the game, nothing else. Accept that you toothless rednecks have no life other than tormenting innocent fans that are forced to walk in that hole of a town....dont get me started.

    Offline Thundermonkey

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    « Reply #92 on: September 05, 2006, 03:34:14 PM »
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  • Sooner than later, they will have their whole stadium all to themselves. They're dead to me.
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    Offline wvufanmarshallgrad

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    So be it
    « Reply #93 on: September 05, 2006, 04:42:48 PM »
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  • Im done adding fuel to your guys fire!  Speaks volumes of your program that you would have more pages of crying in your beer about the way you were treated, instead of ways the football program can improve.  If it were me, since WVU is so terrible, I wouldnt play it anymore.  Your players are already living the %^)#@ life, so dont go to Morgantown, they will make you and your fans worse.   Your hatred for WVU is apparent and you have your thoughts, I have mine.

    My thought is this......Your players obviously arent afraid of the police, so why should your fans be?  See you all next season, maybe we can talk football sometime.

    Offline 2xBison

    Worst Fans!
    « Reply #94 on: September 05, 2006, 04:53:28 PM »
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  • don't worry chez, i took the half full can of beer in the chest.

    i've given wvu the program all the props in the world after the game, even refused to label all wvu fans, tried to nicely tell them they need to fix that behavior on the blue lot, some would agree, but assholes like this guy are probably the type that hurl profanity at families and children and fling bottles and cans.

    just beat it, don't you all have a national title to win?? :?
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    Offline HerdNBluefield79

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    Re: So be it
    « Reply #95 on: September 05, 2006, 05:37:25 PM »
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  • Quote from: "wvufanmarshallgrad"
    Im done adding fuel to your guys fire!  Speaks volumes of your program that you would have more pages of crying in your beer about the way you were treated, instead of ways the football program can improve.  If it were me, since WVU is so terrible, I wouldnt play it anymore.  Your players are already living the %^)#@ life, so dont go to Morgantown, they will make you and your fans worse.   Your hatred for WVU is apparent and you have your thoughts, I have mine.

    My thought is this......Your players obviously arent afraid of the police, so why should your fans be?  See you all next season, maybe we can talk football sometime.

    I'm sorry but you must be confused and lost to think that this board is a place that value's your opinion.

    auf wiedersehen   :?
    In the middle of Huntington, West Virginia, there is a river. Next to this river, there is a steel mill. And next to the steel mill, there's a school. In the middle of this school, there's a fountain. Each year, on the exact same day, the exact same hour, the water to this fountain is turned off. And in this moment, once every year, throughout the town, throughout the school, time stands still.

    Offline Blade

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    « Reply #96 on: September 05, 2006, 06:23:22 PM »
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  • This yahoo on here now is why they have such a problem up there.

    Worst Fans!
    « Reply #96 on: September 05, 2006, 06:23:22 PM »

    Offline luvherd

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    « Reply #97 on: September 05, 2006, 06:28:48 PM »
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  • Yeah Blade but no one has died yet. Seems to be the new benchmark - SCCCAAARRY.
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    Offline wvufanmarshallgrad

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    « Reply #98 on: September 05, 2006, 09:32:59 PM »
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  • Quote from: "luvherd"
    Yeah Blade but no one has died yet. Seems to be the new benchmark - SCCCAAARRY.

    Lol, yeah, I really meant guys are not only classy in your own right, you are lightyears ahead of WVU in intelligence as well.

    Offline HERDFAN1999

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    « Reply #99 on: September 05, 2006, 09:35:59 PM »
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  • Quote from: "wvufanmarshallgrad"
    Lol, yeah, I really meant guys are not only classy in your own right, you are lightyears ahead of WVU in intelligence as well.

    Talking about haven't figured out you aren't wanted on here.  Don't let the door hit you in the butt on the way out.  Why don't you go back to the 'hole and throw garbage on your next opponent with all of your inbred friends?
    "No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms.  The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government." - - Thomas Jefferson


    Worst Fans!
    « Reply #99 on: September 05, 2006, 09:35:59 PM »