Author Topic: SHR- -CUSA football starting tonight  (Read 181 times)

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Offline coalherd

SHR- -CUSA football starting tonight
« on: November 18, 2017, 12:16:30 AM »
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  • Well, after a lackluster 7-3 halftime score, the offenses cranked it up after halftime tonight as WKU knocked off MTSU tonight in triple ot.  Raiders missed a fg in 3ot and then WKU made one for the win.  41-38, I think.

    Final game for QB White of the Toppers.  He torched MTSU for 5 or 6 td passes, including a 60+ yarder and a 93 yarder on consecutive possessions.  Latter was described as the longest td pass in FBS this season.  Game on  Announcers pretty good and seemed complimentary of the brand of ball by these 2 CUSA teams, noted the 2 schools rivalry, hundred miles of hate, etc., and the analyst noted WKU's problems with the running game and stated a few times the problems that they had last week trying to run against Marshall.  Either he watched some of our game or was well prepared for the broadcast tonight.

    Overall, an exciting game to watch and a positive exhibition of CUSA football, IMO.  I'm glad White is gone.  WKU did have a little speedster playing at receiver who didn't play against us; he caught the 93 yarder for a td.  On those 2 long td passes, MTSU was only rushing 3 and White had all day to throw.  I had "chilling" flashbacks to our game in 2010 against WVU and Geno Smith where Doc and Rippon had similar "brainlock" and played a passive 3 man rush against the EERS.  We all know how that ended!!

    Oh, well, back to the Herd.  I've still got about 18 hours to figure out where in cyberspace I may be able to locate tomorrow night's game in San Antonio.  Wonder if President Putin and his inner circle could give me some hints!!

    SHR- -CUSA football starting tonight
    « on: November 18, 2017, 12:16:30 AM »

    Offline chris88

    Re: SHR- -CUSA football starting tonight
    « Reply #1 on: November 18, 2017, 06:53:05 AM »
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    Re: SHR- -CUSA football starting tonight
    « Reply #1 on: November 18, 2017, 06:53:05 AM »