Author Topic: UCF wants to build new football stadium  (Read 2185 times)

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Offline W0lfman

UCF wants to build new football stadium
« on: January 10, 2005, 07:51:43 AM »
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    UCF rocked those plans last week when school leaders revealed they are moving toward their own $40 million stadium. A facility once thought to be unaffordable -- and at least a decade away -- could be in place for the 2006 football season.,0,3890963.story?coll=tf-knights

    UCF wants to build new football stadium
    « on: January 10, 2005, 07:51:43 AM »

    Offline HerdZone

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    UCF wants to build new football stadium
    « Reply #1 on: January 10, 2005, 12:33:05 PM »
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  • This has been discussed on the CUSA board and I just don't see it. The orig. plan called for a stadium that cost anywhere from 87-100 million dollars. And now they have a design team in that have said they can do it in a cookie cutter mold for half that price. That will most likely need more repairs than ever and have what looks like highschool bleachers on it.

    Offline DJdaHERDfan

    UCF is making the moves needed for success...............
    « Reply #2 on: January 10, 2005, 01:19:22 PM »
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  • if only that success could spread to the football field.

    Offline HerdChemist89

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    UCF wants to build new football stadium
    « Reply #3 on: January 10, 2005, 02:30:19 PM »
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  • Quote from: "HerdZone"
    This has been discussed on the CUSA board and I just don't see it. The orig. plan called for a stadium that cost anywhere from 87-100 million dollars. And now they have a design team in that have said they can do it in a cookie cutter mold for half that price. That will most likely need more repairs than ever and have what looks like highschool bleachers on it.

    Hey, I tried to tell 'em on the CUSA board that they needed to avoid the "quick fix" and to settle down and wait until funding was in place for a real, concrete, football stadium.

    I'll bet that "quickie" $40 million stadium will look like a giant erector set or a High School stadium on steroids. Then they are stuck with a tin-can stadium made of recycled aluminum and steel.

    The UCFers are carelessly throwing money at quick fixes. They need to remember that they are going to get what they pay for and not a penny more.

    In fact, the way they are recklessly throwing money around they will be extremely lucky to get what they expect.  

    If I were an Alumni or fan I would want to see Artists renderings of the skeletal superstructure and would also want to see completed examples of other similiar stadiums or additions. I know we did our last end-zone addition in a similiar fashion using the same company; but that was a minor addition to our significant concrete structure - not the entire stadium.

    I still think the UCFers need to put the pipe down and quit dreaming. Be patient. Use the Citrus Bowl for 5-7 more years and then get yourselves a real stadium. The Citrus Bowl is better than probably 2/3rds of the MAC venues as it stands and would be more than acceptable with some facelifting and minor repairs.

    The percieved boost in attendance from an on-campus venue is also questionable. As it stands, UCF is more or less a commuter school with the large percentage of students living off-campus all over Central Florida. How about winning some games in a new conference first and see what happens. Winning some games would have a more drastic, positive effect on UCF Football attendance.

    If they build that on-campus Erector Set Stadium and go 0-11 again nobody will show up anyway.

    Try winning some games before you waste your money, UCFers.

    "For years we realized we needed an indoor practice facility," Pastilong said. "Former Gov. Caperton was sympathetic to our needs and enabled us with the financial assistance to carry out this project."
    "We're going to monitor that car more closely," said Pastilong, who previous said the football staff had used the car for errands. "It's going to have a checkout sheet with an odometer reading and the purpose for using it."

    Offline ShawHerd

    UCF wants to build new football stadium
    « Reply #4 on: January 10, 2005, 03:33:15 PM »
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  • I think Marshall Stadium was 40 mil years ago .....25,000 seating
    "I have heard people talk about the healing process - that sounds good - or closure," Dawson told the Los Angeles Times. "I don't know what closure is, but that area of my life will never be closed. But I feel alive again. I feel I can smile again."

    Offline HerdZone

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    UCF wants to build new football stadium
    « Reply #5 on: January 10, 2005, 04:31:27 PM »
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  • Quote from: "ShawHerd"
    I think Marshall Stadium was 40 mil years ago .....25,000 seating

    38.9 million, 21K seats, Start 1989 Finish 1991

    Offline Robitt

    UCF wants to build new football stadium
    « Reply #6 on: January 10, 2005, 05:38:13 PM »
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  • How about 26 million and a 30,000 capacity. Another 4 mil for the building. The capacity was reduced by approximately 2,000 when the chairback seating was installed.

    Offline Thunders

    UCF wants to build new football stadium
    « Reply #7 on: January 10, 2005, 06:30:23 PM »
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  • WOW it would cost $1500 a year for students to park in the garage they are talking about?!?!   Students here bitch because it cost a couple hundred!!!!    Again an example of how lucky we are here.   I hear students bitch about the tuition and one time I told them to go out of state and look at tuition.  I challenged them to look and I also said not even out of state but in state is high for most schools.    They just don't know how lucky they are.
    Yoda says:    Blow the Mountaineers do!!


    UCF wants to build new football stadium
    « Reply #7 on: January 10, 2005, 06:30:23 PM »