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Offline HerdNBluefield79

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A Must Read - link HDonline
« on: January 09, 2005, 05:54:26 PM »
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    Compared to the 90s, we had a lot of nice wins and I was certainly part of it but the early part of it we were playing a I-AA schedule. Now we started off in the early 2000s we were getting drubbed by the Floridas and those people and now we’re competing against the high level at a competitive basis
    In the middle of Huntington, West Virginia, there is a river. Next to this river, there is a steel mill. And next to the steel mill, there's a school. In the middle of this school, there's a fountain. Each year, on the exact same day, the exact same hour, the water to this fountain is turned off. And in this moment, once every year, throughout the town, throughout the school, time stands still.

    A Must Read - link HDonline
    « on: January 09, 2005, 05:54:26 PM »

    Offline WallyHerd

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    A Must Read - link HDonline
    « Reply #1 on: January 09, 2005, 10:50:06 PM »
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  • I'll have to admit I thought the quote was some kind of cruel joke until I read the article.  I don't believe too many people actually believe the program is better now than it was 3 or 4 years ago.  The move to CUSA is a positive move.  It doesn't hurt to dream but reality is this program is at a crossroads and a notch below what it was 3 or 4 years ago.

    Offline HerdNBluefield79

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    A Must Read - link HDonline
    « Reply #2 on: January 09, 2005, 11:52:06 PM »
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  • I think the main jest of this article and our season in a nutshell has been this - we were talented enough to compete with Georgia and OSU, which is something we weren't able to do with Leftwich and company(ie. Florida and Virginia Tech).

    So, yes, I agree with Pruett (some still find this hard to swallow) - we are better in regards to talent - but to define program is to include talent and leadership, so without leadership on and off the field it amounted to a 6-6 season. In addition to all of that, the sanctions harm showed up as well.

    This season really didn't surprise me... it started off with academics then O-Line troubles in practice then the bar incident. I figured we would play our butts off against the OOC opponents and then fall into a lull with the remainer of the schedule. In tight conference games, we would find officiating not favorable. To be fair, we shouldn't have been playing in the MAC this season, and I think the NCAA should have a system in place that helps transition teams into its new conference at once.

    1) off field troubles
    2) leadership
    3) sanctions
    4) O-line (3 & 4 contributed to that)
    5) lame duck last season

    add it up, it comes to a 6-6 season.

    next year, who knows?...the issues are being addressed but I'm not predicting a collapse of the program which is ridiculous...VT went 3-8 not too long ago with people in Blacksburg clamoring for Beamer's head...look where they are at now....

    as far as next year being a crossroads for the program - every year is a crossroads - you process the season and evaluate what went right and what went wrong.  

    Everyone gets in their mind that life is one big sine curve that you reach a pinnacle and then you have to bottom out and it's over -  you must flat line and there is no rebound...

    this isn't the case and Marshall isn't anywhere close to flat lining.

    The reason for this rant is that I've been pretty much set at a slow simmer since the debacle at Ft.Worth, and I had time to look back and say that 'yeah, this could've been a typical run-the-table Marshall team' but things didn't fall in place however I see it as a lesson learned and that such problems are correctable.

    GO HERD!
    In the middle of Huntington, West Virginia, there is a river. Next to this river, there is a steel mill. And next to the steel mill, there's a school. In the middle of this school, there's a fountain. Each year, on the exact same day, the exact same hour, the water to this fountain is turned off. And in this moment, once every year, throughout the town, throughout the school, time stands still.

    Offline murox

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    A Must Read - link HDonline
    « Reply #3 on: January 10, 2005, 12:07:46 AM »
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  • We were talented enough to compete with (and lose to) OSU and UGA, but not talented enough to compete with Cincinnati and Bowling Green

    Offline Blade

    Makes sense to me.
    « Reply #4 on: January 10, 2005, 06:52:33 AM »
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  • Quote from: "murox"
    We were talented enough to compete with (and lose to) OSU and UGA, but not talented enough to compete with Cincinnati and Bowling Green

    I thought this would happen sooner, and probably would have had we not had Byron.  Living in the apathetic MAC for more than 5 years would take any program down.  That is, unless it's where your comfort zone is.  

    Marshall always had higher aspirations than just being in the MAC.  Every year our coaches, alumni, fans, boosters and admin talk about it.  It's hard for a kid to get a taste of playing in front of 100,000 die hard fans only to visit a stadium with 5,000.  Not that it is as much of an excuse than it is understandable.

    I always said that if we didn't get out of the MAC in 5 years, it would drag us down to their level.  It just about did.

    Offline Blade

    This is the most candid I've every head Pruett speak...
    « Reply #5 on: January 10, 2005, 07:02:00 AM »
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  • about discipline.

    Our off the field things have to cease, and that comes under leadership and self-discipline. When you have problems in a family, as we all do growing up and this is certainly our family -- when I recruit a youngster, he becomes mine; he’s part of my family, so I have to treat him like part of my family -- certainly you have to discipline family. You have to hug family, and you have to do good things with family.

    But you certainly don’t desert family in a time of need when they have a problem and we don’t try to.

    It’s like anything else. Discipline depends upon on how it affects the family. It’s a fine line but then again some things are acceptable and some things aren’t. And one of the keys to the offseason, we have to make sure we conduct ourselves off the field in a manner that everyone else would be proud of.

    This is the primary reason Coach Pruett is successful.  He treats each player as a person and not a number.  He sincerely adopts these kids for 4-5 years.  He is truly concerned for their well being above the sport and he has the strength to dole out what each player needs regardless of the popular fan outcry to lynch them.

    I just hope that in the same situation I could be as fair, decent and Soloman-like as our Coach.

    Offline ShawHerd

    A Must Read - link HDonline
    « Reply #6 on: January 10, 2005, 01:23:45 PM »
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    H-D: Do you think the game will be moved to Thursday (for an ESPN telecast)?

    PRUETT: I don’t have a say-so in that.

    Very profound....
    "I have heard people talk about the healing process - that sounds good - or closure," Dawson told the Los Angeles Times. "I don't know what closure is, but that area of my life will never be closed. But I feel alive again. I feel I can smile again."

    Offline W0lfman

    A Must Read - link HDonline
    « Reply #7 on: January 11, 2005, 10:27:30 PM »
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    I always said that if we didn't get out of the MAC in 5 years, it would drag us down to their level. It just about did.
    Blade, you took the words right out of my mouth.  I've said that if we continue to stay in the MAC it will suck the life out of our program.  Thank God were gone.  Fan apathy runs supreme there and I dont want that virus spreading to our program.

    A Must Read - link HDonline
    « Reply #7 on: January 11, 2005, 10:27:30 PM »