Author Topic: WBB Pride Night 2/2/23  (Read 2030 times)

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Online marshallmark

Re: WBB Pride Night 2/2/23
« Reply #75 on: February 10, 2023, 02:50:24 PM »
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  • Bwahaha!!! And again, I personally don't care how they live their life. Pushing this crap in everyone else is what I have a problem with. Why does a basketball arena need to have pride night? Just to continue to rub it in our face? I'm willing to shut up about it if they are. But I shouldn't have to give up a sport or whatever because they want to publish it into a basketball game. You sure don't have a problem when they beat the drums and spew there beliefs but we can't come back with ours? Again, I don't care what they do in their life but stop pushing it into the public trying to convince everyone else!!!

    Insert the word "black" instead of or before "pride" and re-read your paragraph.  Sounds pretty bigoted, doesn't it?  Do you not see the parallels? 
    "Tell your friends, I can confirm you held your own against the brothers. :)"

    - E-Man


    Re: WBB Pride Night 2/2/23
    « Reply #75 on: February 10, 2023, 02:50:24 PM »

    Online 2xBison

    Re: WBB Pride Night 2/2/23
    « Reply #76 on: February 10, 2023, 03:16:26 PM »
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  • So then why do you care about two guys shacked up in an apartment in Charleston, WV if they pay their taxes, work every day, mind their own business, etc.

    My point is that if the head of the executive branch of the top country in the world has bedroom behavior that is no one's business, what business is someone else's sexual behavior. I think it is pretty clear. But I guess one hand has to wash the other.

    I don't care what two guys, two girls, you and your friends or whoever do whatever in the bedroom.  that's been my thought all along.  I TOTALLY AGREE NO ONE'S BUSINESS.  the only reason this is being discussed is because some folks want a group of people interested in a sporting event to somehow someway celebrate what other people do in the bedroom.  vexxing isn't it?  force those there for a sporting event to celebrate someone else's lifestyle that we all agree is no one's businesses.  makes sense.
    « Last Edit: May 31, 2023, 08:27:36 AM by 2xBison »
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    Online herdorbust2

    Re: WBB Pride Night 2/2/23
    « Reply #77 on: February 12, 2023, 04:39:36 PM »
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  • Insert the word "black" instead of or before "pride" and re-read your paragraph.  Sounds pretty bigoted, doesn't it?  Do you not see the parallels?

    Black instead of pride? Lmao!!! You have totally lost it. Those are 2 totally different things. So when did race become a lifestyle?
    The following users thanked this post: miltonherdfan

    Online marshallmark

    Re: WBB Pride Night 2/2/23
    « Reply #78 on: February 13, 2023, 01:38:50 PM »
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  • Black instead of pride? Lmao!!! You have totally lost it. Those are 2 totally different things. So when did race become a lifestyle?

    The "pride" celebrations aren't for a lifestyle.  They're for people celebrating who they are - just like a person can't choose to be black, a person doesn't choose to be gay. 
    "Tell your friends, I can confirm you held your own against the brothers. :)"

    - E-Man


    Online herdorbust2

    Re: WBB Pride Night 2/2/23
    « Reply #79 on: February 13, 2023, 07:08:35 PM »
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  • The "pride" celebrations aren't for a lifestyle.  They're for people celebrating who they are - just like a person can't choose to be black, a person doesn't choose to be gay.

    😂😂😂😂 gay has nothing to do with their race. You have totally lost it. Funny you never hear about straight night at a basketball game lol!!!!

    Online marshallmark

    Re: WBB Pride Night 2/2/23
    « Reply #80 on: February 13, 2023, 09:42:50 PM »
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  • 😂😂😂😂 gay has nothing to do with their race. You have totally lost it. Funny you never hear about straight night at a basketball game lol!!!!

    Listen dumma$$, I never said being gay was racial.  I said its who they are, no DIFFERENT than race.  And, no, you never hear about "straight" night at a game.  Just like you don't see "white" night.  The celebratory nights are for traditionally marginalized people, or people that deserve attention (e.g. cancer survivors or first responders).  I noticed that Logan High celebrated their African-American heritage last night by wearing uniforms with the name of the old "black" high school in Logan.  I assume you don't have any problems with that .. or would you prefer that Logan has a "white pride" celebration this week as well? 
    "Tell your friends, I can confirm you held your own against the brothers. :)"

    - E-Man


    Online herdorbust2

    Re: WBB Pride Night 2/2/23
    « Reply #81 on: February 14, 2023, 10:19:42 AM »
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  • Listen dumma$$, I never said being gay was racial.  I said its who they are, no DIFFERENT than race.  And, no, you never hear about "straight" night at a game.  Just like you don't see "white" night.  The celebratory nights are for traditionally marginalized people, or people that deserve attention (e.g. cancer survivors or first responders).  I noticed that Logan High celebrated their African-American heritage last night by wearing uniforms with the name of the old "black" high school in Logan.  I assume you don't have any problems with that .. or would you prefer that Logan has a "white pride" celebration this week as well?

    You are really out there on planet Pluto!!! Nobody should have to go to a sporting event or whatever and have to support something they don't believe in. I'll bet the left would throw a fit if we had a Jesus night at the cam. And you don't think he is being marginalized in America today? Find another excuse for the Pushing of the LBGTQ nonsense!!!

    Offline bighat

    Re: WBB Pride Night 2/2/23
    « Reply #82 on: February 14, 2023, 12:21:34 PM »
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  • Close your eyes and put your fingers in your ears.

    Offline miltonherdfan

    Re: WBB Pride Night 2/2/23
    « Reply #83 on: February 14, 2023, 02:09:39 PM »
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  • The "pride" celebrations aren't for a lifestyle.  They're for people celebrating who they are - just like a person can't choose to be black, a person doesn't choose to be gay.

    you can say that as many times as you want, but that doesn't make it true.  there is zero evidence that homosexuality is genetic.  those claims are based entirely on their claims that they "can't help it, i was born this way."  if they would just keep their bedroom activity in the bedroom & quit making their sexual preferences & activities define the way they conduct themselves in every other aspect of life -- like most people we all know -- a lot of their problems would go away.
    The following users thanked this post: mubowhunter

    Online marshallmark

    Re: WBB Pride Night 2/2/23
    « Reply #84 on: February 14, 2023, 02:37:26 PM »
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  • you can say that as many times as you want, but that doesn't make it true.  there is zero evidence that homosexuality is genetic.  those claims are based entirely on their claims that they "can't help it, i was born this way."  if they would just keep their bedroom activity in the bedroom & quit making their sexual preferences & activities define the way they conduct themselves in every other aspect of life -- like most people we all know -- a lot of their problems would go away.

    Bullcrap.  Did you "decide" you wanted to date girls when you were 12?  Did you "choose" to be hetero?  Of course not.  Its ingrained somehow, whether its an unknown genetic component or just a different way the brain works - doesn't make it wrong.

    And there are a LOT of people that flaunt their sexuality publicly.  I don't think anyone should be doing that, whether straight or gay.  But if you think that LGBTQ people aren't treated differently even when they are trying to be private, then you're living under a rock. 
    "Tell your friends, I can confirm you held your own against the brothers. :)"

    - E-Man


    Online herdorbust2

    Re: WBB Pride Night 2/2/23
    « Reply #85 on: February 14, 2023, 03:57:34 PM »
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  • Bullcrap.  Did you "decide" you wanted to date girls when you were 12?  Did you "choose" to be hetero?  Of course not.  Its ingrained somehow, whether its an unknown genetic component or just a different way the brain works - doesn't make it wrong.

    And there are a LOT of people that flaunt their sexuality publicly.  I don't think anyone should be doing that, whether straight or gay.  But if you think that LGBTQ people aren't treated differently even when they are trying to be private, then you're living under a rock.

    Get that freak show out of sporting events. Nobody cares what they do. Just stop pushing it on society and trying to force us to agree with it. I don't agree with it and never will so trying to get it headlined at every sporting event. What is their reasoning except they IMG to convince people? They are free to do what they want so why not STFU about it? Like all left wing fruitcakes, they aren't happy getting what they want. They never stop until they force US to agree!!!!

    Offline chris88

    Re: WBB Pride Night 2/2/23
    « Reply #86 on: March 01, 2023, 10:52:09 AM »
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  • Warning: This will take 2-3 minutes to read

    I have stayed away from this conversation because I don?t necessarily constructive.  Personally, I don?t think sports should be used, for most part, as a platform to convince those who may disagree about things that they are right or wrong about their views.  There are enough things about going to a sporting event that are taxing: tv timeouts, ads that cover almost entire videoboard, bad food options, bad music, bad playcalling etc.  The virtue signaling platitudes thrown out by some athletes/institutions are not an entrance ramp to rational discussion in my opinion as people?s views are often more complicated. At same time, if welcoming groups opens the opportunity for them to experience an event that they may return to again than who am I to say?

    The primary reason, however, for me responding is that the element of religion, and more specific Christianity, was brought into the discussion. In full disclosure I have members of family/friends who are in the discussed demographics.  I have struggled with understanding these things in context as have many others.  As with most things, reading bible gospels (Mathew, Mark, Luke, John) and specifically what Jesus has said tends to provide humble and loving answers to most questions. And while I would never try to speak for Christ and his level of love and mercy towards each of us, there is a consistency in the gospels across the four books that provides a great deal of comfort in trying to understand the heart of Jesus.  After all, our purpose in life is to live and act in a way that brings ourselves and others closer to Christ. Simple but far from easy. This is what Christ says about three things that may have some application here:

    Regarding the most important commandments:
    Mark 12:30-31

    ?You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength.? Then he added, ?The second is equally important: Love your neighbor as yourself. No other commandment is greater than these?

    Having this mindset can strip away most animosity even if you disagree on things. Loving God and all others as best we can is the first and primary requirement of us. Without that we are fooling ourselves if we think we are acting in a way God wants and expects us to.

    Regarding judgement and condemnation:
    Mathew 7:1-5

    ?Do not judge, or you too will be judged.? For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.?

    "Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, `Let me take the speck out of your eye,' when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye.?

    One primary question and dispute is if LBGT activity is sinful in itself.  Seems many are quick to condemn others to death/hell for activity that largely is rooted in love and doesn?t harm others just like any other healthy relationship. A gay couple cheating on their spouse or stealing are committing the same sin as a non- gay couple?right? But do you think a loving, faithful gay couple who loves God and others has less chance of salvation than a non gay couple with no relationship to Christ? I sure don?t.  Christ makes it clear that judgement is a burden best left to God. He only knows all the variables and knows each of us better than we know ourselves.

    Regarding marriage in heaven:
    Matthew 22:30

    ?For in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels in heaven.?

    Christ?s words allude to life in heaven as a more spiritual existence.  In that sense, why would gender etc make any difference whatsoever in the next life? Furthermore, marriage itself as it relates to holy matrimony is supposed to be the union of two into one to serve Christ.  That together you are better as one in serving Christ. What most consider ?marriage? in today?s world is an affront to Christ used solely as a ceremonial ritual with little or no commitment to Christ whatsoever. Most of us didn?t have that right when got married either and likely a primary reason for a 50%+ divorce rate. Anyone that?s been married for 20+ years will likely tell you it?s not an easy journey even for those with the strongest connection to Christ.

    That?s all I got. Agree or disagree and despite our imperfections, I hope we can all feel comfortable looking to Christ and his words for answers as we all navigate our desire to be closer to him and bring others on board.
    "Too many people are thinking of security instead of opportunity; they seem more afraid of life than of death"  – James F. Byrnes

    Government is the most dangerous institution known to man. Throughout history it has violated the rights of men more than any individual or group of individuals could do: it has killed people, enslaved them, sent them to forced labor and concentration camps, and regularly robbed and pillaged them of the fruits of their expended labor. ~ JOHN HOSPERS
    The following users thanked this post: Stripeshrt, bighat, The E-Man

    Re: WBB Pride Night 2/2/23
    « Reply #86 on: March 01, 2023, 10:52:09 AM »

    Online marshallmark

    Re: WBB Pride Night 2/2/23
    « Reply #87 on: March 01, 2023, 10:59:23 AM »
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  • Well said, and thoughtful.  Thank you.
    "Tell your friends, I can confirm you held your own against the brothers. :)"

    - E-Man

    The following users thanked this post: chris88

    Offline Stripeshrt

    Re: WBB Pride Night 2/2/23
    « Reply #88 on: March 02, 2023, 12:24:16 AM »
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  • Agree 88, excellent post,
    The following users thanked this post: chris88

    Offline Big Ol' Hillbilly

    Re: WBB Pride Night 2/2/23
    « Reply #89 on: March 02, 2023, 10:26:37 AM »
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  • The "pride" celebrations aren't for a lifestyle.  They're for people celebrating who they are - just like a person can't choose to be black, a person doesn't choose to be gay.

    So can we have straight, white, and Christian pride night at a game? Asking for a friend.

    Online marshallmark

    Re: WBB Pride Night 2/2/23
    « Reply #90 on: March 02, 2023, 11:05:58 AM »
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  • So can we have straight, white, and Christian pride night at a game? Asking for a friend.

    Every night is "straight, white and Christian pride night".  As I've noted before, these "nights" are to recognize and support traditionally marginalized and ostracized individuals or groups.  I just can't imagine how anyone has problems with this.   
    "Tell your friends, I can confirm you held your own against the brothers. :)"

    - E-Man


    Online herdorbust2

    Re: WBB Pride Night 2/2/23
    « Reply #91 on: March 07, 2023, 09:07:28 PM »
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  • Every night is "straight, white and Christian pride night".  As I've noted before, these "nights" are to recognize and support traditionally marginalized and ostracized individuals or groups.  I just can't imagine how anyone has problems with this.

    So every night is for straight, white and Christian's but we just can't advertise it? What I thought.
    The following users thanked this post: mubowhunter

    Online marshallmark

    Re: WBB Pride Night 2/2/23
    « Reply #92 on: March 08, 2023, 01:36:51 PM »
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  • So every night is for straight, white and Christian's but we just can't advertise it? What I thought.

    You certainly can advertise it.  Your 1st Amendment rights guarantee your ability to do so.  Whether its smart to do that is another matter. 
    "Tell your friends, I can confirm you held your own against the brothers. :)"

    - E-Man


    Offline mubowhunter

    Re: WBB Pride Night 2/2/23
    « Reply #93 on: May 31, 2023, 02:48:08 AM »
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  • Bullcrap.  Did you "decide" you wanted to date girls when you were 12?  Did you "choose" to be hetero?  Of course not.  Its ingrained somehow, whether its an unknown genetic component or just a different way the brain works - doesn't make it wrong.

    And there are a LOT of people that flaunt their sexuality publicly.  I don't think anyone should be doing that, whether straight or gay.  But if you think that LGBTQ people aren't treated differently even when they are trying to be private, then you're living under a rock.

    Are you going to be one of the nuns attending the LA Dodgers game?
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    Online marshallmark

    Re: WBB Pride Night 2/2/23
    « Reply #94 on: May 31, 2023, 09:39:06 AM »
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  • Are you going to be one of the nuns attending the LA Dodgers game?

    You waited 3 1/2 months for THAT?
    "Tell your friends, I can confirm you held your own against the brothers. :)"

    - E-Man


    Re: WBB Pride Night 2/2/23
    « Reply #94 on: May 31, 2023, 09:39:06 AM »