Author Topic: Aaron Mate another great read about US duplicity in Ukraine  (Read 90 times)

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Aaron Mate another great read about US duplicity in Ukraine
« on: April 01, 2022, 07:25:09 PM »
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    I find it almost shocking the US has not pushed more for peace negotiations and end of conflict. Maybe they don't want the conflict to end (Mate again shows good journalism to make that case). When you continually fight proxy wars the civilian casualties/displacements at the tip of the spear don't really matter....they never have (Vietnam, Cambodia, Syria, Libya, Irag, Afghanistan etc etc). Name an instance where US blunt instrument foreign policy has stabilized a region vs making it a complete mess? Now they want to try it against a country with more nuclear weapons that anyone on earth next to US?

    Why is it freedom and democracy isn't pushed by our uniparty leaders on places like China who have some of worst documented human rights abuses and have also executed plans to undermine our economy/society for decades?  A much bigger economic threat than Russia (economy size of Spain) will ever be. Maybe the population of China is just too lucrative for business and not lucrative enough for the war profiteers. When we pulled out of Afghanistan they needed someplace new to set up shop. Putin is blame for the invasion but the US and NATO are not the innocent bystanders, they have had much to do with the corner Putin saw himself in before this started and are having much to do with its continuation. George Washington and founding fathers must be rolling over in graves. God help us all.

    "Too many people are thinking of security instead of opportunity; they seem more afraid of life than of death"  – James F. Byrnes

    Government is the most dangerous institution known to man. Throughout history it has violated the rights of men more than any individual or group of individuals could do: it has killed people, enslaved them, sent them to forced labor and concentration camps, and regularly robbed and pillaged them of the fruits of their expended labor. ~ JOHN HOSPERS

    Aaron Mate another great read about US duplicity in Ukraine
    « on: April 01, 2022, 07:25:09 PM »