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HerdFans / Re: Recruiting for Basketball
« Last post by Haveyouherd222 on Yesterday at 11:07:06 AM »
It's currently "dead period."   No recruits are allowed in for visits.  I believe this ends on June 2nd.
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On January 3, 1946, ardent fascist and Nazi propaganda broadcaster William "Lord Haw-Haw" Joyce was executed following his conviction for treason.
HerdFans / Re: Charles Huff
« Last post by 2xBison on Yesterday at 10:20:07 AM »
Lambert was 22-48 as a head coach in his six years at UNCC. When he was replaced at UNCC, the new coach pulled a Parrish and had a winning season in his first year. I don't think the majority of fans would have accepted Lambert as head coach. Hamrick was terrible at picking coaches at his many stops as an AD.
Majority of fans would not have been happy with Lambert hire and most were happy with Huff hire.  Fans are wrong most of time.  Discussing Lamberts record at Charlotte with out mentioning it was a start up program quickly transitioning to D1 is silly too.  My guess is he would have done well here and certainly would have at least been better than Huff.

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HerdFans / Re: Charles Huff
« Last post by s1uggo on Yesterday at 10:19:44 AM »
No way in hell Brad Lambert beats Notre Dame.  Hell, people kept D'antoni around 6 more seasons simply for beating Wichita.  Beating Notre Dame @ Notre Dame is 100 times the better win.  We might not be getting SBC titles, but we are getting wins to hang our hats on.  Could be a lot worse.  Could get neither, like the 15 years before Huff -1 all star season.

maybe,  maybe not, but he sure would have beaten BG and Troy!! now you are 3-1 not 2-2!
HerdFans / Re: Charles Huff
« Last post by svherd on Yesterday at 08:39:25 AM »
No way in hell Brad Lambert beats Notre Dame.  Hell, people kept D'antoni around 6 more seasons simply for beating Wichita.  Beating Notre Dame @ Notre Dame is 100 times the better win.  We might not be getting SBC titles, but we are getting wins to hang our hats on.  Could be a lot worse.  Could get neither, like the 15 years before Huff -1 all star season.

Yep. Seems like a few people would still want KO as our AD as well. LOL!
 Some don't take change very well, especially when your buddy in the AD doesn't really care how you run the program or if you're progressing.
HerdFans / Re: Charles Huff
« Last post by MUther on Yesterday at 08:09:34 AM »
I m pretty sure Huff was the search committee recommendation   And the way things have turned out Brad Lambert might look pretty good right about now

No way in hell Brad Lambert beats Notre Dame.  Hell, people kept D'antoni around 6 more seasons simply for beating Wichita.  Beating Notre Dame @ Notre Dame is 100 times the better win.  We might not be getting SBC titles, but we are getting wins to hang our hats on.  Could be a lot worse.  Could get neither, like the 15 years before Huff -1 all star season.
HerdFans / Re: Charles Huff
« Last post by BigJimslade on Yesterday at 08:05:47 AM »
I?m a Huff supporter and I would love to see us return to football success.

However,  the more I?m on here, I think I?m completely coming around to the consensus on this board.  Here let me try to blend in.

I hope Marshall doesn?t win a game in 2024, so oh Huff can get fired and we can bring good ole Nicky Saban.  Matter a fact, I hope we don?t score a ding dang point.  I hope we get beat 0-77 by every team we play and I hope they fire him and chase him outta town with baseball bats. 

C?us I?m a good old fashioned, backwards, full a hate, white trash fan, that has gooooot to be right and got to get my way, no matter what, so I can say ?I told gee so, look how damm smart I am, you can call me nos tree dumm a$$, I told gee, I told gee, I told gee?

I know y?all are gonna say he beat Virginia Tech?..Luck

And he beat #8 Notre Dame?..Pure dam accident

Them reports about him working 70 hours a week, recruiting and coaching are big ol lies

He?s stoopid!   He?s stooped!   I want ?em fired 2-day!!!

I want Marshall to fail, I want Huff to get run out of town to dam night in the middle of the night with his house on fire!!!!

Herdfans is an awesome place where we can talk like this before the season even starts.

It is damn not dam
The latter holds back water
HerdFans / Re: Charles Huff
« Last post by BigJimslade on Yesterday at 08:01:35 AM »
I stated roughly in his mid-30's. He would have been around 38 when hired. Why are you always nitpicking like some m0r0n with nothing else to do.

Well because you were wrong that is why
Before posting something as fact why not just do a quick search and post the truth
Maybe it made your post sound better to say mid 30s
HerdFans / Re: Charles Huff
« Last post by Flat Tire 2 on Yesterday at 07:53:04 AM »
I m pretty sure Huff was the search committee recommendation   And the way things have turned out Brad Lambert might look pretty good right about now

Lambert was 22-48 as a head coach in his six years at UNCC. When he was replaced at UNCC, the new coach pulled a Parrish and had a winning season in his first year. I don't think the majority of fans would have accepted Lambert as head coach. Hamrick was terrible at picking coaches at his many stops as an AD.
HerdFans / Re: Charles Huff
« Last post by s1uggo on Yesterday at 07:43:23 AM »
Especially when Jerome Gilbert picked Huff over Dewayne Ledford. Not to mention Mike Hamrick's attempt to give the job to Brad Lambert. Gilbert is long gone, and we have to live with the results of his poor decision making.
I m pretty sure Huff was the search committee recommendation   And the way things have turned out Brad Lambert might look pretty good right about now

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