Author Topic: "1st post"... an explanation and observation  (Read 791 times)

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Offline _sturt_

"1st post"... an explanation and observation
« on: October 19, 2017, 06:31:41 PM »
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  • Edit: Prefacing what's below... no, this wasn't moved from another forum.

    Nor is it a partial from a previous thread. No mod mischief involved with this one.

    And no one forced me to post this on the Stampede board.

    Rather, I just think it belongs here, and holding myself to my own standards, sometimes some things ought to be said, but they ought to be said only if they're said in the appropriate place.


    A new poster testified to the goodness and rightness of people being welcomed to express their diverse

    People flocked to congratulate him, as they should imo, on the wisdom of that.

    Another poster followed later, taking the opportunity to praise the idea that people should not be so prone to taking things personally, should not engage in name-calling, should not be so prone to, I believe he called it, "idiotic" talk.

    Instead, he preached that posters should be ready to debate, but to debate with substance... facts, logic, reason, he said, ought to be what we expect of ourselves and appreciate about others.

    I believe he was right about that, too. I wasn't alone, apparently, because I believe some also applauded that one.

    But that statement of his stuck out, and I wasn't at first sure why. I don't index these things in my head.

    Today, I thought to explore that a little, and it turns out that about a year ago, the poster determined that he had grounds for engaging in a little name-calling... said I was a straight-up "hypocrite" bigger than a certain political commentator who I presume he'd decided he thought was hypocritical. (Personally, I wasn't a big fan of O'Reilly either, but for somewhat different reasons.) 

    And when asked back then for some support for his allegation, this poster's reply was essentially, "because I said so." There was no hard, clear, specific something to point to, but rather just a vague throw-away reference as-if everything I've ever written was evidence of hypocrisy.

    One of my favorite lines of many favorite lines for Big Bang Theory is when Penny says to Sheldon, "Oh my gosh, I can't believe you're about to jibber-jabber about jibber-jabbering." (hehe)

    EDIT, fwiw...


    Yeah. This is kinda like that. Accused me of being hypocritical, importantly, without cause, and just now preaching against name-calling and other idiotic talk.

    Either you can look back and say honestly and straight-up, "I wish I'd handled that differently" or if not, sorry but just logically (another virtue preached that we all should aspire toward, and rightfully so), it's hard to believe you really believe what you say you believe. Not my fault that that happens to be textbook definition of, yes, that word... hypocrisy.

    It got worse, though.

    In the rush to defend another poster who thought he'd take the opportunity to press pause on the topic and divert the discussion in order to take what can only be seen as an unprompted shot since I hadn't taken specific aim at him (though I guess it was uncomfortable for him when I spoke about people who presume themselves to be the authorities as to what historical posts are permissible to post?)... this poster decided to defend his friend by posting some nonsense as-if I was the one who diverted the discussion away from the topic...

    THAT would be the topic that HE commented on (the goodness of diverse respectful debate), and then, the topic that I pursued and followed right behind him.

    THAT as-if even a 5th grader couldn't plainly see the absurdity of what he posted.

    I was just drop-jawed, and compelled to ask, "Just what DO you believe, REALLY?"

    Fortunately and unfortunately, one of the mods decided either I was too much of an arse by asking that question, or that it was time to step-in and save him from himself so he didn't have to answer.

    Either way, the conversation had just gotten completely out-of-hand, and it didn't seem to be going toward a good end... I guess.

    So, yes. We began with a thread extolling the beauty of a board where people could disagree, and then, moreover, the beauty of a board where people could disagree and where everyone is expected to aspire to facts and reason rather than personal attacks and idiot talk.

    And yes, we ended with a thread shut down because MUther pressed pause on the actual discussion in order to offer what he thought to be a clever personal attack, followed by Apollo divorcing himself from the very virtues he himself said we ought to aspire to.

    Me, I think we should aspire to them. And I've been more consistent than most in my behaviors following my words. That hacks some off because it seems so arrogant, as-if it's a higher road to try to stick to discussing substance rather than veering off into personality crap. Well, it's not my fault, it is a higher road, whether I'm on it or anyone else is on it, and Apollo's words (the first ones) were right to agree with that. So arrogance? Not really. Not at all really. The high road is the high road.

    But having said that, I'm sure I've messed up more than once, and regardless, I'm not infallible. So when I realize I said too much, and when I've gotten called out for it and made to realize it, the record will show that I've routinely backed down. And I've even apologized. Not to get too religious, but I think that's what us who are Christians are taught to do. Humility instead of protest... instead of retaliation.

    (If I've messed up here... sure, go ahead... show me. I'll monitor this thread and will listen. And will apologize if that's evidently what I need to do.)
    « Last Edit: October 20, 2017, 05:18:12 PM by _sturt_ »

    "1st post"... an explanation and observation
    « on: October 19, 2017, 06:31:41 PM »